Travel Nuuksio brings together travel possibilities and business opportunities in Nuuksio, Finland.
Nuuksio, Finland is a great location in the peace of the nature with only half an hour from Helsinki or airport!
Ask more about the business opportunities, investing to Nuuksio or your special travel arrangements at Nuuksio:

Polku Hotel
Peace of a nature in a Nature Hotel Polku. Now you can book 1 room for your stay or let us arrange a complete 20 room hotel from Nuuksio for your stay or other special occasion.
More information at:
MTB Safari Nuuksio
There are many great marked routes for fatbike and other bikes at Nuuksio. Electric mountain bike safaris are really fun at Nuuksio.
E-MTB safaris should be booked few days before trip to Nuuksio to confirm availability of the bikes. More information about the fatbike rental in Nuuksio is available.
More information at the E-MTB Safari website:
Finnish Sauna Experience Nuuksio
Two Polku Hotel Nuuksio saunas are perfect for two different Finnish Sauna experiences at Polku Hotel. Polku offers also accommodation, catering, programme services and equipment rental at Kurjolammentie 38, Vihti.
You can book your ultimate sauna experience from the Sauna Experience website or book Polku Hotel room for accommodation at their website. Pro tip: Saunas are usually available for hotel guests with cheaper price. You can book your own private shift at the beach sauna from the Polku Hotel.
More information at the Polku Hotel website.+
More information about the Finnish Sauna Nuuksio:
Nuuksio Ski
There are two great places to do downhill skiing or snowboarding near Nuuksio. They both are easy to reach from Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, from the whole Finland or abroad. Only 40 minutes from Helsinki or Helsinki International Airport.
Solvalla Swinghill offers smaller slopes near Haltia camping center in Nuuksio.
Vihti Ski Center is called as ”The Lapland of the Southern Finland”. Vihti Ski offers longer and more slopes for downhill skiing or snowboarding.
More information about the smaller Ski place: Solvalla Swinghill at
More information about the larger Vihti Ski Center:
Nuuksio Husky
Nuuksio Husky farm. Ride a dog sled or walk a husky in Nuuksio National Park Finland. True Finnish Husky Experience!
Hotel is close for your accommodation. You don’t need to be an Arctic explorer to visit this Finnish husky farm. Enjoy huskies!
More information at the website:
Nuuksio Bikepark
Nuuksio bikepark offers summer mountainbike activities in Nuuksio. Great summer activities in Nuuksio.
More information at the Swinghill Bikepark:
Yoga retreat Nuuksio
Nuuksio is a perfect place for Yoga retreat. Energy cannot flow without grounding us! If we don’t learn to do it, we get tired. Eventually we burn out. The mission of the yoga retreat is to offer and create a space for you to become whole through yoga, breathing, meditation and connection with nature.
A space where you can reach your own energy, your gift and let it flow through you, without forcing it. Yoga retreats are arranged for example at the Polku Hotel:
More information at the Polku Hotel website and ”activities”:
Earthster – Life Cycle Assessment
Life Cycle Assessment is the most reliable way of measuring environmental impact. Start-up called Earthster is located in Nuuksio, Finland. Earthster implements the best available scientific methods and databases, and help to get results much faster.
More information at Earthster website:
Lahja Outlet Webshop
Nuuksio is located only 20 minutes from Nuuksio at Nummela. Local store Lahja Outlet offers various Finnish products in their webshop.
More information: