Travel Nuuksio - National Park in Finland

Nuuksio National Park is located in Southern Finland with only 30 minutes from Helsinki or Airport! - Beautiful Nature and Lake View! - National Park in Finland - National Park in Finland

Nuuksio National Park is located in Southern Finland with only 30 minutes from Helsinki or Airport! Travel blog with beautiful nature and Lake View!
Nuuksio, Finland

TRAVEL brings together travel possibilities in the beautiful Nuuksio, Finland. This blog offers ideas for your trip.

Nuuksio, Finland is a great location in the peace of the nature with only half an hour from Helsinki or airport!

What to do in Nuuksio? More information at the Travel Nuuksio BLOG

The peace of nature with only 30 minutes from Helsinki. Surrounded by a Nuuksio National Park, the stunning and modern Polku Hotel invites you to relax through the year. Polku Hotel is located in Nuuksio National Park, surrounded by 53 square kilometers of protected wild forest with numerous marked routes. Polku Hotel offers for example the following Lake View Apartments for 1 night, 2 nights or a whole week.

Lake View Double Room is a spacious 20m2 multi-purpose room for 1-2 persons. If you wish during the day, the bed rises up on the wall and the space is freed up for, for example, teleworking, own yoga moment or other activities.

Nuuksio lake view


The peace of nature with only 30 minutes from Helsinki. Surrounded by a Nuuksio National Park, the stunning and modern Polku Hotel invites you to relax through the year. Polku Hotel is located in Nuuksio National Park, surrounded by 53 square kilometers of protected wild forest with numerous marked routes. Polku Hotel offers for example the following Lake View Apartments for 1 night, 2 nights or a whole week.

Lake View Double Room is a spacious 20m2 multi-purpose room for 1-2 persons. If you wish during the day, the bed rises up on the wall and the space is freed up for, for example, teleworking, own yoga moment or other activities.

Polku Hotelli sijaitsee Nuuksion kansallispuistossa keskellä koskematonta luontoa. Tässä Nuuksion hotellissa on varattavissa esimerkiksi Lake View Double Room, joka on tilava 20m2:n kokoinen monikäyttöinen huone.

Lake View huoneiston omalta terassilta on näkymä suoraan Kurjolammelle. Tästä linkistä lisätiedot Polku Hotellin Lake View huoneistosta.

Marraskuussa paljon tehtävää Nuuksiossa!

Nuuksion kansallispuisto on koko perheen ja jokaisen matkailijan suosikkikohde. Nuuksio sijaitsee vain... Read More "Marraskuussa paljon tehtävää Nuuksiossa!"

Lomarengas Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa ja Nuuksio

Lomarengas tarjoaa monia hyviä vaihtoehtoja yöpymisille pääkaupunkiseudulla: Helsinki, Espoo Vantaa ja Nuuksio.... Read More "Lomarengas Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa ja Nuuksio" Hotel Helsinki, Espoo tai Nuuksio tarjoaa lukuisia hyviä vaihtoehtoja hotelliyöpymisille pääkaupunkiseudulla ja Nuuksiossa. Parhaan hinnan saat... Read More " Hotel Helsinki, Espoo tai Nuuksio"
Nuuksio sauna


In Nuuksio there are several places to visit the traditional Finnish Sauna. Polku Hotel has a total of 17 new rooms and suites by the Lake Kurjolampi. In addition to the rooms, the hotel has an excellent modern restaurant, lounges, meeting rooms, a gym – and of course Finnish saunas! This sauna is a unique hut by the lake.

Polku Hotel was opened in 2022, offering accommodation, catering, programme services and equipment rental at Kurjolammentie 38, Vihti. Saunas are usually available for hotel guests with cheaper price with more information at the Polku Hotel website. You can also book your own private shift at the beach sauna from the Polku Hotel.

Sauna Nuuksiossa on varattavissa alhaalla olevasta linkistä. Nuuksion tilaussauna, tai oma saunavuoro Nuuksiosta lähellä Helsinkiä.

More information about the Polku Hotel Finnish Sauna in the Nuuksio National Park (


The peace of nature with only 30 minutes from Helsinki. Surrounded by a Nuuksio National Park, the stunning and modern Polku Hotel invites you to relax through the year in summer and in winter. Polku Hotel is located in Nuuksio National Park, surrounded by 53 square kilometers of protected wild forest with numerous marked routes.

Nuuksio lake view


The peace of nature with only 30 minutes from Helsinki. Surrounded by a Nuuksio National Park, the stunning and modern Polku Hotel invites you to relax through the year in summer and in winter. Polku Hotel is located in Nuuksio National Park, surrounded by 53 square kilometers of protected wild forest with numerous marked routes.